Mathniac – conquer numbers
As a side project to learn React and Typescript, I created a mental math game called Mathniac. I had another motivation for creating this app – with my kids and the kids of some family and friends being its early adopters and consumers.
Available tests
Mathniac has a variety of timed tests, each of which get progressively more difficult as you improve. These tests are currently available:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Memory: A number is displayed for a short time and then hidden. The user then must enter the previously shown number.
- Close to hundred: Addition and subtraction problems where one of the numbers is close to a multiple of 100.
- Common multiples: Multiplication problems where one multipler is: 20, 25, 40, 50 or 75.
- Negative numbers: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems including one or more negative numbers.
- Rounding: Display an unrounded number and highlight a place value to round to. More advanced questions will include numbers with decimal places.
- Powers: A base number is raised to a whole or fractional (roots) power.
- Base conversion: Display a number and its number base and show the number base to convert the original number to. Supported number bases are: Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal.
Mathniac stores all your test results on your local device. There is no server, just the game running on your device, so your data remains private.
Language support
Mathniac is translated into the following languages: English, Italian, French and Spanish.
Mental math is something we use each and every day. Mathniac will help you improve your mental math abilities and give you confidence with math and numbers. Our motto is Conquer Number, which we aim to help you do. If you have any feedback, drop us a line at